Football for under 10s

First point of contact

Grade co-ordinator (TBC)

Junior pre-season key dates

  • U12/U11 Pre-season training commences 16th February for players who want to represent the club in our travelling regional and Easter Tournament teams
  • U10/U9 Pre-season training commences 16th March for players who want to represent the club in our Easter Tournament teams.
  • Registrations close for players who want to represent the club in our travelling regional and Easter Tournament teams on Sunday 16th March
  • All other junior registrations (except KCU Kickers and Dribblers) close Sunday 6th April.
  • U12-U8 local pre-season training commences from week commencing 7th April.
  • Season starts 4th/5th May.

When does the season run?

The junior season runs from the April to September.

Game day

When playing at Mazengarb, KCU teams are responsible for putting up the nets on the goals and taking them down and returning them to the container.

Female only teams

In this grade we can provide for either mixed teams or female only teams in line with supporting female development pathways in New Zealand. If you would like your daughter to play in a female only team please tick the box on the registration form. 

​​​​​​​Coaches & volunteers

KCU is always seeking coaches and volunteers to assist with our junior grades. Learn more about becoming a Junior coach

If you're interested in volunteering, fill in this Form