Football for under 12s

First point of contact

Grade co-ordinator (TBC)

Junior pre-season key dates

  • U12/U11 Pre-season training commences 16th February for players who want to represent the club in our travelling regional and Easter Tournament teams
  • U10/U9 Pre-season training commences 16th March for players who want to represent the club in our Easter Tournament teams.
  • Registrations close for players who want to represent the club in our travelling regional and Easter Tournament teams on Sunday 16th March
  • All other junior registrations (except KCU Kickers and Dribblers) close Sunday 6th April.
  • U12-U8 local pre-season training commences from week commencing 7th April.
  • Season starts 4th/5th May.

When does the season run?

The junior season runs from the April to September.

How long are games?

 9 v 9, 2 x 25mins

What does travelling involve?

We usually have 1-2 travelling teams playing a home and away draw. Away games are in the greater Wellington area.


1-2 times per week for local teams. Travelling teams are expected to train twice a week.

​​​​​​​Coaches & volunteers

KCU is always seeking coaches and volunteers to assist with our junior grades. Learn more about becoming a Junior coach

If you're interested in volunteering, fill in this Form